Anne & Steve, Horowhenua say
Really good to control downy mildew on hydroponic lettuces as well as bugs; use one cap full in 5 liters every three days then each week after that.
Joy Smyth says
​I have already been using this product and I am very impressed with it. I have a very large garden/veggie garden so the bigger bottle will be much more cost effective for me. Love that I can spray the garden with a natural product and get good results.
Dave & Anne Sarll
This year I have sprayed every week - I started the tomatoes in August. Last year I tried to use the neem after the psyllids were already out-of-control but really failed to get any satisfactory control. This year not a sign and no whiteflies either.
David Fuller says
I have been using Neem oil for a few years to get rid of white flies from my citrus trees and it works really well, and I am very happy with the product

Kath at Edible Back Yard says
Also am finding your Neem very effective. First sign of psyllid – one spray. Done! That was a month ago. Just noticed some back again so gave it another squirt last night. Such a time saver not having to endlessly spray
Jason Gregory says
I am a grower with 20 years’ experience growing a wide range of vegetables organically in an indoor poly house environment. I have used Neem oil to manage most pests in the poly house for 15 years and have found Neem to be very effective. Pest management includes Spider Mite, Russet Mite, Aphid, White Fly, Thrip and Leaf miner.
Adrian Mcleod says
I have now officially retired or as I prefer to say “redirected” as later in year I intend starting a small low key consultancy business for garden advisory. Mainly as a follow up to landscapers and for people who have purchased a property with a large garden and needing guidance on how to maintain it. I will be recommending your product to be referring my clients to F/Fs for it. Will be ordering a 1l direct for use in my own property. My thoughts are to get a Winter and Spring Neem application applied and at least your gardens off to a clean start! Keep up the great work!

Duncan at Gusto Energy Ltd says
The Neem oil mixed with fish fertiliser eventually kept the bronze beetles at bay from my orchard trees. You will remember my query and discussion with you some weeks ago when I had a plague of them, attacking feijoas and Alnus Rubra. Also used Pyrethrum at night – twice a week I would spray and bug numbers reduced to only 3 or 4 after a few weeks, instead of 3 or 4 hundred as I had to start with.

Garry & Jillian Wagner from Nelson say
We are in our seventh year of growing curly and Italian parsley in the field for the commercial market. We grow parsley all year round using about 5ha of land per year. For the first 3 years of growing, we struggled to control whitefly and aphids using conventional insecticides during the Spring and early summer periods.
Three years ago, I saw ab advertisement for Naturally Neem Oil and decided to trial it and was very pleased with the results. We now use it as part of our pest control programme. We have also received great service from our supplier with the product arriving promptly after being ordered.

Brent Ferretti from Grown in
Hope in Nelson says
As a commercial organic market grower, prevention and balance is my aim. Naturally Neem, is a good backup if insect pressure gets too high. Aphids and whitefly can breed incredibly fast on soft new growth; I’ve found Neem oil effective for bringing them back under control.
General Manager, Daniel Stocker says
I have had two people in the past week that have given me really good feedback on the Neem. One of them covered her entire citrus tree to rid of her mites that were starting to infect other crops. She said it is the best stuff she has used!
Marnie Muirhead, on organic methods
For the past two years we have been using Naturally Neem in our orchard, and we are very pleased with the results. Our citrus trees had problems with scale and verrucosis, but that is no longer an issue since we started using Naturally Neem. We are committed to using only organic methods for controlling pests and disease and Naturally Neem is helping us achieve that goal.

Chris Bone, says
Thank you for your email, I'm happy to buy your product, I've used it in the past and it works beautifully especially attaching the spray bottle to the hose, super efficient!
NZ Gourmet Group - Roelf Schreuder
Production Director Protected Crops - Mites
We are using Naturally Neem for mite control and this has been a positive turning point our mite control. RS
Angie Murray - Definitely an excellent product you have here and will continue to use it in our crop.
THRIP on Blueberries
John Lovell, says
Thanks for your email and for your marvelous products . I have been using your Neem insecticide for two years now and with great success so am keen to try your caterpillar control next white butterfly season. I am neither wealthy or wise but I am healthy and at 88 years am still growing my own vegetables and fruit. Your products help in that, as last year Thrips nearly extinguished my cranberry crop but this season thanks to your insecticide I have a glorious crop.
Alice Taylor, says
The vine hoppers bounce back if I don't keep on top of them.
But it's the best form of natural control I've used